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Adventure, Compassion, & CommUNITY!

Comments from Past Participants




"Having served in the Dominican multiple times now, I have always come home with a head full of 'aha' moments about the magic of connections. Each time I go, not only do I reconnect with the people I already know, but I also weave a sparkling web of fresh bonds with new friends. This journey has seriously reshaped my view of the world and the unsquelchable human spirit.  I'm eager to share that impact with everyone else—while staying hydrated with plenty of Propel, of course! 


Sunscreen Czar

"It is moving to watch the youth of today committed to changing the world of tomorrow."



Occupational Daredevil

"This experience truly changed my perspective on life."


Construction "Rock" Star

"Through this shared experience, strangers became friends, and friends became family. Working for and giving to the communities we visited filled my heart. Meeting people who have nothing to give and thier offering of a few peices of fruit or a seat for a tired worker reminded me to be so greatful for all that I have and leaves me wishing I could do more.


This adventure reminds me to celebrate the simple things and that love, kindness and compassion are the only thing you need to make a difference. having the opportunity to volunteer side by side with my daughter is an experience I will never forget. She started the week nervous and unsure. By the end of the week she was asking when we could return, We look forward to SERV-ing again!



Energizer Bunny

"The best trip I have ever been on. I have never been as close with a group in my entire life."

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